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Kerala Culture Minister Saji Cherian supports taking action against Shane Nigam and Sreenath Bhasi

Mollywood actors Sreenath Bhasi and Shane Nigam were banned by the Kerala Film Producers’ Association citing the misbehavior of both actors during film shoots and interviews on the last day. Kerala Culture Minister Saji Cherian has now come forward to back the decision taken by FEFKA and KFPA.

Reportedly, Saji Cherian has said that strict action will be taken against the actors who are allegedly using drugs, and for the same, he will be holding meetings with film professionals. Saji Cheria also reportedly said that if the producers’ association moves a petition against the actors then strict action will be taken against them.

Speaking to the media, Saji Cherian said that the Government has the responsibility to ensure the growth and security of the film industry, and inspections related to drugs cannot be done during the filming. He also said that the actors Shane Nigam and Sreenath Bhasi still have the chance to correct their mistakes and come back to the film industry.

Meanwhile, although there is no official ban on the actors, the popular producer Renjith said that they have decided not to collaborate with them for any future projects rather than allowing them to finish the pending ones. He also mentioned that several other film producers have also come up with complaints against the same actors.
